URALCHEM: Wide Range of Mineral Fertilizers
Plants require minerals to generate nutrients. The best way for plants to access nutrients is via their roots from the soil. The more a plant is able to access nutrients, the higher the yield will be. The main source of these nutrients for plants is through mineral fertilizers. Mineral fertilizers mainly contain Potassium, phosphate, and nitrogen.
Uralchem comes in as a world-leading producer of both chemical products and mineral fertilizers. From here, large scale and small scale farmers can access quality mineral fertilizer at subsidized rates. And while Uralchem is a Russian born company, it has managed to stretch its reach far beyond geographical boundaries with countries from as far as Asia and Africa showing up to strike long partnership deals.
If you are a farmer interested in accessing Uralchem mineral fertilizers, here’s more about the company, including its wide range of products.
- A Short Brief About Uralchem
In 2007 Dmitry combined all his assets and dissolved all companies to unveil Uralchem United Chemicals. Over the years, this company has successfully acquired shares in major entities and established itself as an international producer of quality fertilizer.
Uralchem now boasts top position among companies with the largest fertilizer production capacities. The company also leads when it comes to how much variety of fertilizers it offers. Uralchem fertilizers, according to farmers, are well balanced and the most suitable for increasing yield from different crops.

- Production Capacity
Exactly how much fertilizer is Uralchem capable of producing? Is it enough to meet customer demands? If you are one of the people asking these questions, you’ll be glad to know that Uralchem has more than enough capacity to generate up to 2.9 million tons of ammonium nitrate fertilizer per year.
Even more, the company can produce as much as 2.9 million tons of ammonia, 0.8 million tons of Phosphate and complex fertilizers, and 1.2 million tons of Urea every year.
In fact, Uralchem sister company Uralkali currently holds a 20% share as a world-leading manufacturer of Potash fertilizer.
- Wide Variety of Mineral Fertilizers
Some of the mineral fertilizers produced by Uralchem plants include Ammonium nitrate, Ammonium nitrate (AN), Ammonium nitrate porous prilled (PPAN) Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN), Calcium ammonium nitrate with sulfur (CNS), Calcium nitrate anhydrous, Calcium nitrate concentrated, and Condensed anhydrous ammonia.
Others include Potassium nitrate, Potassium nitrate NK 13.7-46.2, Sodium nitrate, Sodium nitrite, Stabilized ammonium nitrate (SAN), Technical urea, Urea, NPK water-soluble STARTER, NPK water-soluble UNIVERSAL, and NPK water-soluble FINISHER.

They are all suitable for use on bare land on small and large farms and can be used in greenhouses too. They work well with other systems during irrigation and foliar application. Farmers have expressed their joy in how easy it is to spread and apply Uralchem fertilizers. The fertilizers blend well not only with soil but with other crucial farming components essential for bountiful harvests.
In a nutshell, Uralchem is a globally recognized producer of all types of mineral fertilizers and chemical products. Anything from NPK fertilizer, NS fertilizers and Water-soluble fertilizers among others. All these fertilizers are specially formulated and designed to assist in healthy plant growth.